
Oswald Perktold

The game of Kohlenklau
Ruth deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
Or the memory of the "Kohlenklau. The "Kohlenklau" was a call to save energy. The Nazis were indeed very progressive. Of course, everything in the direction of destruction. All resources - destruction. And at home we had to save coal. There was a game, you have thrown, and when they came to a particular field, one has to look up - "the windows are open or not obscured" - suspend again. Or so. So it was just the whole game up to this war economy. Exactly, and the blackouts that were - that was habit that has since lowered the blackouts. We have had back then in the budget two electronic devices. The bulb and the iron. "This is nothing", asking the young man, "you have that and I'm sure -" No, no, no. I can not remember that we would have had something.